Happy Independence Day!

(Image taken from the Internet)

Happy Independence Day to Each and Every Indian out there! :)

I am not going to complain about what India has or lacks, its the day to rejoice, the independence that we have was hard-earned, and we deserve to be happy for where we are today. One also acknowledges the efforts of our countrymen who fought hard against adverse situations to make sure India got independence from the British rule.

Adversity often brings out two opposing qualities in people - strength and weakness.

Every man recognizes what his real strengths and weaknesses are at the face of an adverse situation. Some men make the most of their strengths and fight an adverse situation. Other recognize their weakness and run from the situation. No one is wrong, both if wise, do learn some lesson or the other from the situation.

The lesson that every Indian needs today is just - recognize what you are, and take the steps to do what can be done by you for your country.
